Over 50s Rep Team Trials Success
17 February 2024
Trevor Ridley
Good start for the EWFL over 50s Rep team's first get together.
The first Essex Walking Football League over 50s Rep team trials/training session, which was held at Melbourne Park, Salerno Way Chelmsford, was attended by thirteen players. This was a good session and thanks to Richard Coleman for refereeing.
After the session Richard was enthusiastic saying; "Simon you have the making of a very good team. I think everyone enjoyed the session. Thank you for all your effort in making it a very good session".
This is only the start of the over 50s Rep team. The next trials/training session is booked for Saturday 16th March from noon to 2pm. Simon is already in contact with other leagues to arrange inter-league matches.
Anyone who is interested please contact Simon Crump via his EMAIL: Simon1SB@outlook.com.
Simon will need your:
Full name
Club you play for
Contact number